Talks and Sessions

Past Events

Russel Winder presented a GPars Workshop at 2013-01-25 and 2013-01-26. ( Greach 2013 )

Aurelian Maury presented a talk GPars vs. Wild at Groovy and Grails eXchange 2012, 2012-12-13

GPars at GoTo Prague 2011. Vaclav Pech had two sessions, one on concurrency and a second one on GPars specifically.

Paul King was at SpringOne2GX, Oct 2011.

Venkat Subramaniam at SpringOne2GX,Oct 2011 - GPars Deep Dive.

Vaclav Pech talked about concurrency at: Con-fess, 2011 Vienna, GeeCON Crakow and GR8Conf, Copenhagen.

Vaclav Pech presented GPars at GR8Conference, 2010 in Copenhagen and GeeCON 2010, Poznan.

At Jfokus, Stockholm, Jan 27th 2010, Vaclav Pech presented GPars in his session named Groovy actors and concurrent dataflow with GParallelizer. Check out the abstract.

At W-Jax 2009, Munich, Nov 9-13 Vaclav Pech spoke about "Groovy actors and concurrent dataflow with GParallelizer". (

Devoxx 2009, Antwerp, 18th November 2009, hosted a quickie by Vaclav Pech on "GParallelizer - parallelize your Groovy enjoyment". (Quickie+Day)